Reception 2024 - 2025

 Welcome to RECEPTION! 

Your teachers this year are:

RH - Mrs Hodgkiss, Mrs Madja, Mrs Pritchard  and Mrs Khan

RW - Ms Williams, Mrs Stockley, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Khan

Mr Almothana works in our team with some of the SEND children

Welcome to Reception!

This half term our Topic is 'Ourselves'. We are sgetting to know one another by talking about ourselves, our emotions, our senses, what we look like, our families, our homes and our likes and dislikes. 

We will look at the books below:


funny bones.jfifcolour monster.jfifharry and the dinosaurs.jfifdownload (1)(1).jpeg

In the early years foundation stage (EYFS), we study the same topics throughout the year in order to deepen the children's knowledge and understanding. However, the weekly planning will be differentiated appropriately to meet the needs of all children for each year group. Below is a list of our class topics for the year on our Long Term Plan.

Please continue to help your child to be independent by ensuring they can get changed, feed and toilet themselves. Each child will need a bag of spare clothes and their PE kits on their peg, to be kept in school. They will be sent home half termly to be washed.

The EYFS Framework

Throughout Nursery and Reception, we deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. We use this to teach each child, considering their level of development and any additional needs.

A copy of this can be viewed here:

Staff are always on hand to discuss your child’s development and give advice or practical support on how to encourage learning at home as well as at school! We are happy to help!

Please ensure you have joined Class Dojo so you can keep up to date with annoucnements and school information. Ask your child's teacher if you do not have a log on.





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