Year 3 2023 - 2024

Year 3 2023-2024

We have two classes in Year 3:

3K – Mr Kennedy

3Y – Mr Khan

Ms Naz will be supporting us in class this year.



Spring Term

Important Information

School day begins at 8:40am

School day ends at 3:30pm (Mon-Thurs) and 1:30pm (Fri)


What to bring to school this term:    

  • Full PE kit (Monday and Tuesday)
  • Reading book and reading record (every day)
  • Water bottle
  • Homework (Mondays)


Online Tools

Class Dojo

We are using Class Dojo for our home-school communication.

Class Dojo is a free app that connects teachers with students and parents to build classroom communities.

We will use Class Dojo as a platform in which to communicate between home and school. There is also a secure messaging system in place where parents can connect with teachers privately with work related issues.

If you haven't already signed up to Class Dojo please do so by asking the class teacher for an invite code. 


Times Table Rock Stars

Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) is an online multiplication platform in which the children can practice their times tables. Multiplication skills are extremely important at this age, and children need to not only be able to work out times tables, but know them by heart and be able to answer them quickly.

The details that they need to login are:

School Name/Post Code: M12 4NG (St Luke’s CE Primary School, Longsight)

The children have their own username and password. If they can not remember their details, you can send us a message on Class Dojo.


Purple Mash


Purple Mash is a learning platform we use in school. It has things like maths games, art packages, and coding interfaces built into it for the children to use.

All pupils have their own log in details. If they can not remember their details, you can send us a message on Class Dojo.

Files to Download

Year 3: Calendar items

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