Year 6 2023 - 2024

We are Year 6! 

Welcome to our class page! Here you will find lots of information about your final year at St Luke's. 

Firstly welcome back to you all!  We hope you have enjoyed your summer break and are feeling refreshed, ready for a new academic year ahead.  We have missed you and cannot wait to see you all as you begin what will be a busy and exciting academic year.

Important Information

School will reopen for Year 6 on Wednesday 6th September 2023

School day begins = 8:40am

School day ends = 3:40pm (Mon-Thurs) 1:30pm (Fri)

Year 6 pupils must enter the school grounds using the Stockport Road entrance gate. They will also be collected from that gate.

We have two classes in our cohort: 6G and 6H.

Teaching staff within Year 6

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6G - Mr Graham and Mrs Salim

6H - Miss Halliwell and Mr Tynan

Here we are! Left to right: Mr Tynan, Mr Graham, Mrs Salim and Miss Halliwell

Key Dates

Wednesday 6th September, 2023 - school opens for all pupils.
Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th September, 2023 - Y6 Castleton YHA residential

Year 6: Calendar items

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