Clubs & Sports

Welcome to the St Luke's Clubs, Sport & P.E Bulletin Page

Below you will find out about all the fabulous and exciting sporting and P.E news happening in our school.

The Summer term is always a busy 'sporting time' at St Luke's as new clubs get up and running and a wide range of exciting activities are offered to our pupils.

From Basketball to Martial Arts, Cross Country running, Funky Fitness to Golf and Football, St Luke's pupils are enjoying being fit and active as the new school year begins.  

As we have travelled through theacademic year, this page will continue to grow, as more exciting sporting events are added. We want to present to you the full range of sporting opportunities we offer here at St Luke's and promote all of our sporting achievements and participation as much as possible.  

Keep logging on to check for updates!  Can you see yourself in any photographs?                            

Lunchtime and After School Clubs - SummerTerm

Cricket Club - Year 3 & 4

Monday - 3:30pm - 4:20pm

Run by: Mr Khan & Mr Haugh

Football Club - Year 3

Thursday - 3:30pm - 4:15pm

Run by: Mr Kennedy & Mr Ivo

Draughts Club - Year 3 & 4

Monday - 3:30pm - 4:20pm

Run by: Mr Gavagan & Miss Kiddle

Chess Club - Year 5 & 6

Monday - 3:30pm - 4:20pm

Run by: Mr Jones

 Art Club - Year 2

Thursday - 3:30pm - 4:20pm

Run by: Mrs Chohan & Miss Sykes

Forest School - Year 2 & 3

Monday - 3.30pm - 4:15pm

Run by: Mr Mitchell

Drawing and Fine Motor Skills club - Reception

Wednesday - 3.30pm - 4.00pm

Run by: Ms Williams & Mrs Hodgkiss

Drama Club - Year 4

Wednesday - 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Run by: Mr Tynan

Magic Club - Year 6

Wednesday - 3.30pm - 4:30pm

Run by: Mr Graham

Phonics Club - Year 1

Thursday - 3:30pm - 4:15pm

Run by: Miss Doherty & Mrs Fawcett-Foster

Bollywood/ Bhangra/ Zumba Dance Club - Year 3 & 4

Wednesday lunchtime

Run by: Mrs Mahmood & Ms Naz

Library Club - Year 6

Monday & Wednesday lunchtime

Run by: Mrs Cunningham & Mrs Smith

Recorder Club - Year 4

Monday lunchtime

Run by: Mrs Nickeas

Here's to a fabulous last term ahead. 

At St Luke's we encourage all our pupils to be 'healthy and happy'.  To achieve this we want our pupils to participate in regular sporting activities as a way of promoting a healthy lifestyle. 

This obviously includes participating in their weekly P.E sessions - allowed by having the correct kit and also providing your child with healthy snacks for them to eat at break and lunchtime. 

Thank-you for your continued support.

 Mr Khan - P.E. Coordinator.